Caustic Sodium Hydroxide: Pricing & Comprehensive Guide

Caustic sodium hydroxide, commonly known as caustic soda, is a powerhouse in the realm of industrial chemicals. As you embark on the quest for information on caustic sodium hydroxide, this guide is designed to offer insights, interesting facts, and a reliable source for procuring this essential compound. Dive into the world of caustic sodium hydroxide with us and explore the depths of its applications.

Interesting Facts About Caustic Sodium Hydroxide:

  1. Chemical Marvel: Caustic sodium hydroxide, with the chemical formula NaOH, is a strong base and alkali. It plays a pivotal role in various chemical processes, making it a cornerstone in industries ranging from manufacturing to water treatment.

  2. Versatile Applications: From its use in soap making to aluminum processing, caustic sodium hydroxide is incredibly versatile. It is a key ingredient in the production of paper, textiles, and cleaning agents, showcasing its wide-ranging applications.

  3. Alkaline Powerhouse: Caustic soda is highly alkaline and has the ability to neutralize acids. This property makes it a crucial component in industries where pH regulation is essential, such as in water treatment plants.

  4. Pearl Form: Caustic sodium hydroxide is often available in pearl form, resembling small beads. This solid presentation enhances handling, storage, and application efficiency, contributing to its popularity in various industrial settings.

  5. High Purity: The purity of caustic soda is paramount in ensuring its efficacy. Quality products, such as those available at, often boast purity levels of 99%, meeting stringent industry standards.

Explore and Purchase Caustic Sodium Hydroxide:

If you're considering where to buy high-quality caustic sodium hydroxide, look no further than Our online store offers a reliable and convenient solution for your industrial needs. Explore our collection at and discover the power of purity in every caustic soda pearl.

Why Choose

  1. Quality Assurance: Our caustic sodium hydroxide products boast high purity levels, ensuring excellence in every application.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: Navigating our website is a seamless experience, allowing you to easily explore and purchase the caustic soda products you need.

  3. Transparent Information: We provide clear product descriptions, specifications, and safety guidelines to empower our customers with the information they need for confident purchasing.

  4. Competitive Pricing: Enjoy competitive pricing starting from just £19 per 25kg, making a cost-effective solution for your caustic sodium hydroxide requirements.

In conclusion, as you delve into the depths of caustic sodium hydroxide, stands as your reliable partner for acquiring top-quality products. Unearth the fascinating applications and properties of caustic soda, and elevate your industrial processes with the purity and excellence it brings to the table.


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Starting from just £26 per 25kg bag, we supply to all major cities all over the country with free shipping on all products.

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